Gillotte Maroschka

Who am I?
My name is Gillotte Maroschka, a painter specializing in African mask painting.
My artistic journey began in Congo, where I grew up surrounded by artists and artisans who taught me painting, collage, sculpture and color combinations.
Passionate about abstract art, I perfected my skills self-taught and by following local artistic training.
African mask painting has become my specialty and my way of representing the customs of my home.
By painting on traditional masks, I express my attachment to my origins while integrating transformation and modernity.
This practice is therapy for me: as a child, I was afraid of traditional masks, and painting them helps me to overcome these fears and transform them into joy.
Wherever I go, I carry with me the richness of my past and my origins, using each experience to add color to my life.
My work reflects this fusion of tradition and innovation, rooted in deep creativity and authentic passion for African art.