Béa K Sartorius

After several training courses in oil painting and drawing in Geneva (CH), London (UK) and Zurich (CH), Béa K. Sartorius decided in 2016 to get to the bottom of things. It was at the Visual Art School Basel (Basel, CH) that she was exposed to and fascinated by painting and contemporary abstract art. In parallel with her professional activity as a journalist, she invested four years of study in visual arts, followed by 2 years of individual work for her diploma. She has participated in numerous group exhibitions in Switzerland.
Abstract art is comparable to music, but with other media: it does not seek to represent, but to arouse pure emotion, always renewed, never fixed. In order to put these “emotions” into words, the artist with insatiable curiosity took art history courses at the University of Oxford and the Ecole du Louvre.
His work with bright colors and organic shapes is certainly influenced by his multicultural origins (French-speaking Switzerland, Spain and the Caribbean), but also by "inner necessity", as defined by Kandinsky. She also draws on another distant source: the ancient Japanese concepts of wabi-sabi, or at least as she interprets them. According to Leonard Koren, “the quintessence of Japanese aesthetics […] the beauty of imperfect, impermanent and incomplete things. »
The artist favors natural or mixed media as well as recycled materials. A perpetual search for the obvious in the imperfect, the impermanent and the incomplete appears to him to be the essential vocation of visual art – and of painting in particular.
Born in Geneva, based near Zurich, Béa K. Sartorius divides her time between journalism, her studio where she also tries sculpture and her family.